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Rescue Puppy

Trainer - Troy Swearingen

Training: Team Members

 Troy Swearingen

Troy's History

Troy has been working, training, and evaluating dogs for the past 24 years.  He served in the United States Marine Corps and is a retired K9 Handler, Trainer, and K9 unit coordinator from    the Hamilton County Sheriff's Department. Troy trained and handled 5 canines during his 32-year career in law enforcement. Four of his partners (Belgian Malinois & German Shepherds) were drug sniffing and apprehension canines, and Mattie the Bloodhound was a search and rescue canine.  Troy is also a canine certification evaluator of law enforcement canines for the State of Ohio.

Troy welcomes the opportunity to work with you and your furry companion. His extensive background working and training dogs will help you and your dog live a more relaxed obedient life together.

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Live a happy healthy home life with your fur baby

Our training methods focus on positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior in your furry friend. Our experienced trainer will work with you and your dog to ensure they learn the skills they need to be well-behaved and happy.

Training: Our Services
Cocker Spaniel

18 Day Board & Train    $2,200.00


Your dog will come and stay with us for 18 days to be trained.  Below are some of the essential commands and behaviors that are typically covered in dog training.  We can also customize to fit your needs.  Just let us know what your problem areas are, and we can create a program to fit your needs.



Teaching your dog to sit is a great way to get them to focus on you and follow your commands. This skill can be helpful in various situations, like when you want to give them a treat or when you need them to wait patiently.



 The stay command is useful when you need your dog to stay in one place for a while. It can be helpful when you need to open the door or when you need to take care of something else.



Teaching your dog to come when called is essential for their safety. It's also great for when you need them to come to you quickly, like when it's time to go home or come in the house.



Heel is a command used to keep your dog walking by your side. This skill is useful when you need your dog to walk calmly in public places or when you're out for a walk. It's also great for keeping your dog safe by preventing them from running into traffic or getting too close to other dogs.


Loose leash walking

Teaching your dog to walk on a leash is important for their safety and for keeping them under control. This skill will help you take your dog for walks without worrying about them running off or getting into trouble.


Household Manners

House manners: This encompasses a variety of behaviors, such as teaching the dog not to jump on people, play biting, or counter surfing. These manners help make the dog a well-behaved member of the household.


Door Manners

Teaching your dog to have good door manners is important for their safety and for preventing them from running out the door. This skill will ensure that your dog waits patiently for you to open the door and doesn't run out without permission.

Training: Text
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